WRITING: A Strange Event

LEVEL: 240 - 270

 A Strange Event

    Something happened last week that didn’t let me sleep peacefully. In the middle of the night, I heard a mysterious noise. At first, I decided not to think about it. However, after a couple of nights hearing the same disturbing noise coming from the living room, I decided to investigate. Quietly,  I rose from my bed, put on my slippers and, very slowly, opened my bedroom’s door. Suddenly, the noise stopped. Calmly, I went back to sleep. The next night, the same happened. Two days later, I realized that some walls were chipped on the corners. I couldn’t figure out if the chips on the walls were related to the mysterious sound at night. I needed an explanation but I had no theories. The situation was driving me crazy. “It can’t be Kissy”, I thought. Because I wanted to solve that mystery as soon as possible, I decided to use my camcorder to record any unusual activity in my living room at night while I was sleeping. The next day after watching the video, everything made sense: My dog, Kissy, had been gnawing the corners of the walls!

¿Qué se puede comentar de este párrafo?

Tiene ejemplos de verbos en el pasado simple:
  • Something happened last week that didn’t let me sleep peacefully.
  • I heard a mysterious noise.
  • At first, I decided not to think about it.
  • I decided to investigate.
  • Quietly,  I rose from my bed, put on my slippers and, very slowly, opened my bedroom’s door.
  • Suddenly, the noise stopped.
  • Calmly, I went back to sleep.
  • The next night, the same happened.
  • Two days later, I realized that some walls were chipped on the corners.
  • I couldn’t figure out if the chips on the walls were related to the mysterious sound at night.
  • I needed an explanation but I had no theories.
  • “It can’t be Kissy”, I thought.
  • I wanted to solve that mystery as soon as possible.
  • I decided to use my camcorder to record any unusual activity in my living room at night while I was sleeping.
  • The next day after watching the video, everything made sense.

Tiene ejemplos de advervios:
  • Something happened last week that didn’t let me sleep peacefully.
  • Quietly,  I rose from my bed, put on my slippers and, very slowly, opened my bedroom’s door.
  • Suddenly, the noise stopped.
  • Calmly, I went back to bed and fell asleep.

Algunas traducciones:
  • however / sin embargo
  • I rose from my bed. / Me levanté de mi cama.
  • suddenly  / de repente
  • Some walls were chipped on the corners. / Algunas paredes estaban quiñadas en las esquinas.
  • I couldn’t figure out if the chips on the walls were related to the mysterious sound at night. / No pude comprender si las quiñaduras en las paredes estaban relacionadas con el sonido misterioso de las noches. 
  • while I was sleeping / mientras yo dormía
  • My dog, Kissy, had been gnawing the corners of the walls! / ¡Mi perra, Kissy, había estado cascando las esquinas de las paredes!

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