Day 19: Kindness to Strangers
ONE HUNDRED TWENTY DAYS IN 120 WORDS Readings for EFL Students KINDNESS TO STRANGERS Grammar Point: Definite and Indefinite Articles─and Zero Article Last year, many families showed me hospitality by letting me stay overnight in their houses─when needed. Each bedroom was particularly different. The first one I stayed in had mosquito nets to prevent dengue. Another bedroom was close to a pen─with sheep! One room had guitars and amplifiers. A different bedroom had a bird─a canary─in a cage. The coldest room had a bed with 4 blankets! From the biggest bedroom, I could enjoy the sunset and hear the sound of sea waves. Another room─very bright early in the morning─had a glass door and big windows. The last family I stayed with gave me a room with a huge bed and the fanciest comforter of all─made in France. This year, I want to be as hospitable as all these families. READ MORE HERE. Cargando… Solicita información aquí