Infórmate sobre el costo de las clases de inglés online aquí.☺ NIVEL 4: Avanzado. ¿Puedes hablar del efecto del coronavirus en el mundo en inglés? Toma este quiz y mide tu vocabulario avanzado en inglés.☺ ITS EFFECT The scope of the public health crisis became clearer last weekend as officials reported the first deaths tied to the coronavirus. The known cases of coronavirus in the United States have prompted the mass cancellation of events and the reordering of American public life. President Trump initially refrained from getting tested. However, he finally underwent testing for the virus on Saturday. Nationwide, businesses continued to struggle with an outbreak that has left more than 50 people dead in the U. S. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, there would be no Sunday worship in many churches. Some officials pointed out that bars and restaurants on Saturday night in many parts of the city were still relatively crowded. In the city, a nursing facility w...