WRITING: My Favorite Place to Go on Vacation

LEVEL 150 - 180

Write about your favorite place to go on vacation including suggestions on when to visit that place, what to pack, what to do there, and what to buy. / Escribe sobre tu lugar favorito para ir de vacaciones incluyendo sugerencias sobre cuándo visitar dicho lugar, qué empacar, qué hacer allí y qué comprar.

 My Favorite Place to Go on Vacation

My favorite place to go on vacation is Bariloche.  It is located in the province of Rio Negro, Argentina, on the shores of a big lake: Nahuel Huapi. The weather is cold there, especially in wintertime. If you love snow and winter sports, winter is the perfect time to visit Bariloche. On the other hand, it is hot in the summer during the day, but it gets chilly at night. In my opinion, November is a good time to visit Bariloche because it is not too cold or hot. If you visit Bariloche in November, you should pack a jacket, jeans, boots, a hat, and gloves, especially for the cold nights. In Bariloche, you should visit Victoria Island. It is a beautiful island with a lot of different kinds of trees. About food, they have good meat at an affordable price. You should try venison, which is deer meat; and wild boar meat, too. To drink, trying maté, which is a beverage like tea, is a good option. If you want to buy souvenirs, there are a lot of stores where you can find a wide variety of souvenirs. I think tourists should buy artisan chocolate for friends and family. Definitely, I think Bariloche is a good place to visit.

¿Qué se puede resaltar del párrafo modelo en cuanto a la estructura de sus oraciones?

Se usa bien el "simple present" para hablar del clima.

  • The weather is cold there, especially in wintertime. / El clima es frío allí, especialmente en el invierno.
  • On the other hand, it is hot in the summer during the day, but it gets chilly at night. /  Por otro lado, hace calor en el verano durante el día, pero se pone frío en la noche.
  • In my opinion, November is a good time to visit Bariloche because it is not too cold or hot. / En mi opinión, noviembre es una buena época para visitar Bariloche porque no hace mucho frío ni mucho calor.

Se usa bien "should" para dar sugerencias.

  • If you visit Bariloche in November, you should pack a jacket, jeans, boots, a hat, and gloves, especially for the cold nights. / Si tú visitas Bariloche en Noviembre, tú debes empacar una casaca, jeans, botas, un sombrero y guantes, especialmente para las noches frías.
  • In Bariloche, you should visit Victoria Island. / En Bariloche, tú debes visitar la isla Victoria.
  • You should try venison, which is deer meat; and wild boar meat, too. / Debes probar carne de venado y carne de jabalí, también.
  • I think tourists should buy artisan chocolate for friends and family. / Yo creo que los turistas deben comprar chocolate artesanal para sus amigos y familiares.

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VOCABULARY: The Simple Past