
Showing posts with the label Reported Speech

Day 13: "The Food Is on the Table"

ONE HUNDRED TWENTY DAYS IN 120 WORDS Readings for EFL Students “THE FOOD IS ON THE TABLE” Grammar Point: Reported Speech Ten days ago, a woman called me and gave me a message. She said that her son, whom I had met in my town months before, wanted to help me with accommodation in Trujillo for an important event I had to attend. Since the man couldn’t speak well because of a stroke, he asked his mother to give me the message. On my third evening with them, they were not at home. As soon as I entered their apartment after the event, I saw a piece of paper on the table. It had a message for me. They wrote that I could have coffee… that the food was on the table. It was not only about the food on the table but also their love and hospitality. READ MORE HERE. Cargando… Solicita información aquí.