
Showing posts from November 19, 2019

QUIZ: Demonstratives, the Verb To Be, Singular and Plural Nouns, and Indefinite Articles


WRITING: A Very Important Item to Me

My laptop is a very important item to me. It is a common item, but with it, I work, study, and chat with friends. I do not use it to play video games. It is not a present. I bought it. My laptop is silver. It is modern, fast, and lightweight. It is not really expensive. If there is an important event, I take it with me in my backpack. Laptops are very useful!

QUIZ: Singular and Plural Nouns; Indefinite Articles and Prepositions


WRITING: What I Always Carry with Me

I always carry my backpack with me. In my backpack, I always have a book, magazines, a pen, a bluetooth speaker, keys, and a wallet. The wallet is a present from a group of students. I like my wallet! I also carry a tablet. I use my tablet to read, to check email, and to play games.

QUIZ: Reviewing Wh-Words, the Verb To Be, Nouns, Adjectives, Prepositions, and Indefinite Articles
